

  • 問題点の抽出
  • 先行研究の調査
  • 実験の企画
  • 実験の遂行
  • 結果の考察 (比較・意義づけ)
  • 上記の繰り返し




  • まずFigureを決める。Figure一つが一つの結論を表現するようにする。まだ出ていないデータは、空けておけばよい。
  • 次いでFigure Legendを書く。あくまでFigureを読むための最小限の情報にとどめる。ResultやDiscussionは書かない。

  • Figureに従いながら、Resultを書いていく。まず、なぜこの実験をするのかを簡単に述べ、データに即して淡々と事実のみを表現する。書いてあるデータに関しては全て言及する。逆に、言及しないようなデータはFigureに入れるべきではない。 各FigureについてのResultの最後に、少し抽象化したまとめを書く。Discussionはここには書かない
  • ついでResultにもとづいて、IntroductionとDiscussionを書いていく。Introducitionは、世界の中の膨大なテーマの中からなぜこの研究をすることが必要なのかの理由を述べる。次に続くResultの内容を理解するための基礎知識の準備もする。Introductionで引用する論文は、通常はReviewで良い。Discussionは、Resultを受けてその簡単な要約 (箇条書きでよい) と、それぞれについての重要な先行研究との比較検討を行い、我々の成果が世界全体の中でどういう位置づけにあるのかを明らかにする。 従ってDiscussionで引用する論文は、通常個別のものとなる。
  • 最後にTitleとAbstractを書く。
  • Keywordsは通常5つ程であるが、引用を多数してもらえるように2つくらいは一般的な、残りの3つくらいは専門的なものとするのが一つの目安。

これとは別に、Material and Methodと、Acknowledgmentはいつでも書けるので、折を見てどんどん進めておく。最後にまとめて、というのはまずうまくいかない。




  • 第一に人柄を重視しています。協調性がない、他の人とうまくやれない、自己中心的であるなどの方はお断りしております。
  • 特別な理由がない限りは、通常は10時頃までには来て21時頃までには帰るようにしてください。
  • ディスカッションの時間が週日にとれないこともあるため、基本的に土曜日も半日は顔を出してください。
  • 就職活動と研究室の活動のバランスをうまくとってください。


Research Guidelines

Main Principles


  • Define the problem.
  • Conduct a search of prior and current research.
  • Plan the experiments.
  • Carry out the experiments.
  • Analyse the results. (Compare with prior research and critique.)
  • Repeat steps 1 to 5.

Every step must be completed.

How to write your paper

  • Choose your figures.
    ・Each figure should support one conclusion.
    ・Leave room for data yet to be obtained.
  • Write your figure captions.
    ・Write only the information necessary to understand the figure.
    ・DO NOT include any results or discussion.

    The above two steps are fundamental to deciding the overall structure of your paper. Any missing data will become obvious.
  • Write your Results section according to your figures.
    ・Briefly explain the purpose of the experiment.
    ・Explain factually what the data shows.
    ・Make sure to refer to all data that have been presented, in other words, any data left unmentioned should not be included in a figure.
    ・Summarise the results shown in each figure concisely after each explanation.
    ・Do not include any discussion here.
  • Based on your Results section, write your Introduction and Discussion.
    ・Include in your Introduction an explanation of why your research is significant in terms of the wider scientific community.
    ・Continue with the fundamental concepts and/or theory necessary to make sense of the subsequent Results section.
    ・In general, it will suffice if any references included in your introduction are review papers.
    ・In your Discussion, summarise your results (bullet points are acceptable) and compare each set with the relevant current research to evaluate the global impact of your findings.
  • Write your Title and Abstract.
  • Choose your keywords.
    ・The typical number of keywords is 5.
    ・TI recommend that you choose 2 general keywords, followed by 3 more specific keywords to maximise the searchability of your paper.

Separately, the Materials and Method section and the Acknowledgements section can be written at any time, although I strongly suggest that you write these as you progress. It is usually far more time consuming if left until last.。

The Principles of Student Life

To those who wish to join this Lab

Our members engage in a wide range of research topics from studying fundamental theories to medical applications. We are also frequently involved in collaborative research with other laboratories and industry. With a view to continuing with these and future collaborative research projects, we expect the following behaviour from our students.

  • Be of good character. Our students must be co-operative and able to work with others in a team. We do not accept students with a self-centred attitude.
  • Except under extenuating circumstances, we expect students to be in attendance from 10am on weekdays and to have left by 9pm.
  • As there are cases in which members are unable to be reached during the week, we ask that members attend the lab on Saturday mornings also.
  • A good balance between job hunting and research activities must be maintained.

We would like prospective members to get a feel of the atmosphere at our lab, so please make an appointment to come and visit. Note that we would prefer for you to have researched the entry procedure into University of Tokyo and to have received the official guidance before arranging a visit.